走遍贝博体彩app妇女的历史 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


这个自助游 of women's history will take you through San Francisco's most famous neighborhoods and past our most beloved icons.

贝博体彩app是一座城市 充满了故事这是一个孕育大胆想法的地方,也是一个伟大的地方 探索. Many of these stories and ideas were told and generated by women who have come to define what San Francisco is today: a welcoming, 活力的城市.

这个自助游, 包括步行和乘坐公共交通工具吗, 将带你去女性历史产生的地方和在哪里 塑造了贝博体彩app的女性 被记住.



您的旅程从贝博体彩app最具标志性的地标之一开始. 它是贝博体彩app天际线的标志性元素, 屁股塔 was built in 1933, thanks to a generous bequest from longtime resident Lillie Hitchcock Coit. Her goal was to leave a lasting gift that would further enhance the beauty of her beloved city. The interior of this 210-foot high architectural jewel is adorned with federally funded murals from the New Deal era, 包括玛克辛·阿尔布罗42英尺长的杰作《贝博体彩》.

从科伊特大厦向南走到蒙哥马利街. 直到你到达加州街.



加州第一位有执照的女建筑师, Julia Morgan was one of the most influential and prolific designers of all time. Nowhere is her talent on finer display than at the 茱莉亚·摩根舞厅, 贝博体彩app最令人垂涎的场所之一. Morgan was key to rebuilding the city after the earthquake of 1906 and also designed important parts of the UC Berkeley campus. Here's the best part: you don’t have to wait for an invitation to visit The 茱莉亚·摩根舞厅. If there are no events scheduled, you can admire the timeless Beaux-艺术 interior up-close.

跳上去 加州街缆车 headed westbound and disembark at Mason Street, at the top of 头山. 



完成他们先父的遗愿, Tessie Fair and her sister Virginia constructed a luxury hotel atop 头山. The sisters used the family name (Fair) and the hotel's location on top of a hill (Mont) to create the stately moniker. 不幸的是, the 1906 earthquake that devastated San Francisco interrupted their elaborate and highly anticipated grand opening.  一年后, 朱莉娅·摩根(榜单上的另一位女士), 酒店的建筑师, 完成维修, making it the first business to reopen in San Francisco after the disaster. You'll hear people say it's "a hotel so grand they built a city around it."

向东走一个街区到鲍威尔街. 然后向南走到联合广场. (这是另一个乘坐缆车的好机会.)



虽然它代表的是古希腊女神耐克, local legend has it that 联合广场's central statue was modeled from the likeness of San Francisco heiress Alma de Bretteville Spreckles. 建于1903年,是为了庆祝美国独立日.S. 美西战争的胜利, this trident-and-wreath-wielding feminine deity is perched on top of an 85-foot tall column, 放眼望去,熙熙攘攘的行动带着一丝清凉, 自信的举止.

从联合广场向南走到鲍威尔街. 往街市街. 如果你走的是下坡路,那你走对了.)向右转,沿着市场街向西走. 朝向联合国广场. If you're facing west at UN Plaza, City Hall will be standing out in front of you.

1 Dr. 卡尔顿B. Goodlett Pl.


它巨大的圆顶看起来令人印象深刻(比美国高).S. 国会大厦!),贝博体彩app市政厅是一座美丽的建筑. 贝博体彩app市政府长期以来一直由女性领导人塑造. Mary Margaret Morgan was the first woman elected to our city's Board of Supervisors (that's City Council to us) in 1921, 就在美国妇女获得选举权一年后. San Francisco has had two women mayors: Dianne Feinstein, who went on to become a U.S. 参议员, 和伦敦品种, our current mayor and the first African-American woman ever elected to the office.

从Van Ness大街. side of City Hall, board a westbound 38 or 38R Muni bus or walk to Geary Blvd. 和拉古纳街. 向西走一个街区到布坎南街. 然后右转. 向北走一个街区,穿过邮政街.


在这段被称为“大阪之路”的布坎南购物中心," visitors can see public artwork by one of San Francisco's most famous and prolific female creators, 露丝Asawa. 她为城市建造的喷泉 结合 邻里可能是由钢和青铜构成的, 而是因为它们干净的线条和多边形的形状, they look as delicate and light-weight as the paper origami that inspired them. The fountains are a key signifier of San Francisco's sister city relationship with Osaka, Japan. Asawa's artwork can be seen all over San Francisco, both outdoors and in multiple 博物馆.

向西走到菲尔莫尔街和萨特街的拐角处. Board a southbound 22 Muni bus and ride it to 16th and Valencia streets. 从那里,沿着瓦伦西亚街向南走. 到第18街.然后向右拐向西走.



巨大的壁画颂扬强大的女性领袖和艺术家, 从Rigoberta Menchu到Georgia O'Keefe, 报道女子大楼, 位于心脏地带 任务的区. A women-owned cultural center founded in 1979 that advocates for gender equality and social justice, the four-story building hosts a variety of programs and events and serves as a hub for other non-profits.

向西走到第18街. 到教堂街. 向右转,向北走到Duboce大街. (或乘坐同一方向的J线地铁). 在Duboce大街. 和教堂街.乘坐N线Muni出站列车,在欧文街下车. 和第七大道.



成立于1887年,是女性艺术家的“素描俱乐部”, San Francisco Women Artists (SFWA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and expanding women in the arts. Past members include luminaries like Imogen Cunningham and 露丝Asawa. The onsite gallery hosts monthly exhibitions, as well as permanent work by current and past members.

沿着欧文街向西走. 然后在第九大道右转. 向北走即可进入 金门公园.



In honor of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's 25 years of service in Congress, 包括她作为众议院第一位女议长的经历, the City of San Francisco named one of the streets in 金门公园 after her. A trip down 南希·佩洛西, which is bookended by Martin Luther King Jr. Drive和John F. 肯尼迪大道,带你经过 加州科学院 去艾滋病纪念树林.
